Even though I am a gardener, I do not know everything there is to know about the benefits of certain natural resources. Nor do I buy into a lot of the hype or believe you have to go to the extreme to live a good and healthy life. I eat fresh produce, I do not put chemicals on my plants, I do not litter and I try and conserve resources as much as possible; I just try and live smarter. I do not go out of my way to eat organic food, I do not make my own clothes, and at the time I wrote this article, I had never had raw honey. In fact, until I started going to Farmer’s Markets I did not know it even existed. The popularity of raw honey (and the going rate of it) inspired me to do some research to see what the hype was all about. I read articles, spoke to people who both sell it and purchase it, and I have found out some interesting benefits about raw honey.

Raw honey, in case you are clueless like me on the subject, is honey that is pure, unheated, unpasteurized and unprocessed. It is best if you use honey that is sourced locally within a 50 mile radius of your home. The closer the honey is to your everyday environment the more effective it is.

It is very important to note that you should NEVER give raw honey to an infant under 1 year old – it is very dangerous to do so. For everyone else, the benefits can be life changing. Raw honey has anticancer, antiviral, antimicrobial, antibacterial, and anti-fungal properties. It is a great source of energy by day and a teaspoon taken at bedtime can help you sleep. It has been known to stop allergic reactions and even allergies all together. It is also great for calming nerves, lowering blood pressure and, helping respiratory conditions.

Like with anything that works effectively, its effects happen over time. This is not a miracle product. I have talked to people that said it has taken close to a year before they started seeing any changes but love it and will never stop using it. Just a teaspoon a day helped rid them of those pesky allergies. I will admit, my wheels are turning and my adventurous side just might be ready to give this a try!