Although I have heard of companion planting over the years I never really took the time to practice it to see if it really worked until I started planting for other people. There are so many benefits to companion planting like attracting beneficial insects and keeping pests away. By planting different sized plants together you can offer reprieve to the lower plants as the larger ones provide shade during the day. Some plants also give off important nutrients that other plants take in to grow and produce. If you mix flowering ground cover in with your vegetable you will attract pollinators and have a garden that fruits all season. I have read many articles online, studied the Farmers Almanac, talked with many garden friends, and gave it the ‘ol college try to make this amazing list for you! 

  • Plant basil, garlic and marigolds with tomatoes to help repel pests 
  • Plant borage with strawberries 
  • Sunflower with climbing plants like beans and cucumbers, squash 
  • Nasturtiums attract many insects so they are great to use as a sacrificial plant in your garden 
  • Oregano can be used as a repellent when planted with broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts and cabbage 
  • Planting chives with your carrots will not only help the size of the carrots but will also make them taste better and keep pest away 
  • You can improve the growth of onions by planting chamomile and summer savory in the same beds 
  • Chervil planted with radishes will improve flavor and size 

There are so many combinations that I could fill up pages with ideas for you. Once you get started planting, let me know some of the combos you have come up with. I would love to hear about your successes and about the ones you will not pair up again!