Raising Chickens

Raising Chickens

If you have been wanting to raise chickens, you may want to check to see if you are zoned to have some in your own backyard. Many people are interested in having their own chickens so they can have fresh eggs each morning. Besides eggs, there are many more benefits to...
Soil Testing

Soil Testing

After you have decided what plants you are ready to put in your garden and before planting, it is important to get your soil tested. This can save you a lot of frustration in the long run and could help your plants from dying. It is important to know what is missing...
Attracting Pollinators

Attracting Pollinators

Let’s face it, a world without pollinators would be a terrible, stale, fruitless, and colorless world! Having a pollinator garden is essential to improving our environment. Not only because pollinators are cool creatures to have around but because they will add to the...
Collecting Rain

Collecting Rain

Have you ever considered collecting rain water to use for watering your garden? Plants LOVE rain water! There are many ways you can do it! So many places sell rain barrels now or you can look on the internet and find a TON of ideas! I know I have collected a good...
Square Foot Gardening

Square Foot Gardening

Square Foot Gardening is a great way to grow a lot in a small space. Ideally, you would want to use a 4 ft by 4 ft box which would create 16 units to grow in but you can add or subtract as you wish, just make sure each space is a square foot. The benefits of square...
Attracting Wildlife

Attracting Wildlife

Attracting wildlife is pretty awesome but make sure you think about what you want to attract. Keep in mind that each animal you attract could possibly have a predator. I had to keep this in mind when I thought about putting Mondo grass in my mom’s yard. I said the...